All funds raised by your Lincoln County Republican Party are used to elect Republicans to county, state and national offices. After we pay our biannual obligation to the Wyoming Republican Party, all funds stay in Lincoln County. Lincoln County's “state shares” are approximately $5,000.00.
In election years, we help Republican candidates with direct donations and advertising.
The benefits of becoming a Major Donor include: free admission to our annual Lincoln Day Dinner and seating up front at the Major Donors' tables; exclusive invitations to private events; all the sausages you can eat at the Oyster Ridge Music Festival; copies of The Lincoln County Republican Party Executive Committee meeting minutes; special recognition at all events; and much more.
To become a MAJOR DONOR: $500.00 a pair, per year.
Please make your personal check payable to:
The Lincoln County Republican Party
Although the LC GOP cannot accept corporate donations, we will gladly acknowledge your business in our mailings and at our events.
Mail your contribution to:
Lincoln County Republican Party
C/O Tim Hale, Treasurer
P. O. Box 1571
Afton, Wyoming 83110
The Lincoln County Republican Party will NOT share your information.
Don't want to become a major donor? Please donate whatever you can. Be a part of the solution - McCain/Feingold notwithstanding, it still takes money to win elections.
Thank you!!